Commentary on the FISA Issue

Quite a few people have asked me if there might be more/better justification for the warrant in the redacted portions.  Obviously, I don’t know what is in the redacted portions, but I do know that the FBI dropped a footnote in all 4 applications (the original and 3 renewals) that represented they did NOT believe Christopher Steele was the source of the information in the media reports also cited as evidence to the FISA Court.  Between the time they requested the first warrant and when they requested a renewal 90 days later, they “fired” Steele after learning he had lied to them and had, in fact, told various media outlets about the contents of the dossier.  Continuing to opine to the FISA court, then, that he was not that source, is disingenuous at best.  Here is the link to my NewsMax analysis on the Carter Page FISA application and warrant release:

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